Tips For How to Solve Algebra Word Problems

Algebra word problems are a common part of the curriculum, but they can be tricky for students to solve. The following are some tips to help you become a better word problem solver: 

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  1. Use word problems as an extension of other math skills, and not as an exception.

When you use word problems as an extension of other math skills, they’ll be less confusing and less scary for your students. They’ll also have more practice solving them, which is important for mastering algebra. 

  1. Keep in mind that word problems have one of the biggest learning curves, and it can take a long time to get good at them.
  2. Use a step-by-step strategy to solve them.

Using a step-by-step strategy to tackle algebra word problems is one of the best ways to help your students become comfortable with this new skill. This approach teaches them general and specific strategies for tackling these challenging questions, so they can work on each problem at their own pace. 

  1. Make sure you’re focusing on the right parts of the problem.

Word problems are not always easy to solve, and many of them involve multiple operations or complex formulas. That’s why it’s so important to focus on the right parts of the problem, rather than just jumping in and trying to figure it out quickly. 

  1. Don’t forget to check your answers, and keep track of your work.

Keeping a record of your work will help you stay organized and be more likely to remember what you’re doing when you need to go back and try again. This will save you both time and headaches! 

  1. Don’t just label the numbers in the problem, but also explain what you’re thinking.

Some teachers love this strategy and feel it really helps their students understand how words and numbers relate to math, but others think it’s outdated. Regardless of your feelings on this technique, it’s something you should definitely keep in your toolbox for when you need it! 

7. Use visual representations to understand word problems.

In some cases, it can be helpful to draw a picture or create a diagram of an algebra word problem. This helps to make the problem seem more real, and it allows students to see how their answer fits into the big picture of the story. 

  1. Don’t forget to check your answers, even when you’re finished.

This may sound like a counterintuitive idea, but it’s a great way to get your students to slow down and read the problem more carefully. It’s also a great way to force them to examine the answer, rather than just blindly doing what they know how to do. 

  1. Circle, box, and underline the facts in the problem.

This method of analyzing word problems helps students learn to recognize the key information that’s being asked, and it can be particularly useful for students who are prone to missing details or rushing through tasks without noticing what they’re doing. It can also be used to reinforce important concepts such as how addition and subtraction work together, or how to write a number sentence.