What are statistics? 

Statistics is a field of science that uses mathematics to study and analyze data. It is a branch of applied mathematics, and research in this area often finds applications across many scientific disciplines. 

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It involves collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data to make inferences about the behavior of a large group or a specific set of individuals. Statisticians draw on a variety of mathematical and computational tools, including differential calculus, linear algebra, probability theory and graphing techniques. 

What are the two types of statistics? 

There are two different types of statistics in mathematics: descriptive and inferential. Descriptive statistics are used to describe data and provide a summary of its properties; inferential statistics make predictions or inferences about the data. 

What is data?

Data is a collection of information that is measured in numbers, words or pictures. It can be quantitative (numbers or measurements) or qualitative (information about people or things). 

What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics uses a variety of methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data. Some of the methods include measuring central tendencies, measures of dispersion, and calculating the variance and standard deviation. These methods help in describing the properties of the data and in estimating its average or maximum value. 

What are statistical tests?

There are a number of statistical tests that are used to determine the validity of the data. Among them are the Student t-test and the Mann-Whitney test. The tests can be used to find out whether a certain population is similar to another. They can also be used to compare the data with a previous sample of the same population. 

What are the major areas of statistics?

Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics and has a wide range of uses. It is applied in a variety of fields, including medicine, business, economics and finance. It is an interdisciplinary field and research questions in various sciences can motivate the development of new statistical methods and theory. 

What are the most popular statistics?

The most common statistics in mathematics are the mean, standard deviation, and variance. These measurements are used to calculate the average of a group of data, and they can be found in a table, graph or by using a computer program. 

What is the difference between descriptive and statistical graphs?

A statistical graph is a graphic presentation of data that shows the relationships between the values in a data set. These graphs can be made up of bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts and pictographs. 

What is the difference between statistical analysis and probability?

Statistics and probability are both fields of mathematics, but they have distinctly different focuses. Probability is a theory that makes it possible to predict the outcome of events and the likelihood of certain outcomes happening. It can be used in many areas, such as sports and gambling. 

Mathematical statistics combines the application of probability theory with other aspects of mathematics, such as measure theory, linear algebra and stochastic processes. Unlike pure mathematics, which is concerned with the abstract nature of numbers and their relationships, statistics is an applied math discipline that emphasizes the use of quantitative data to answer specific research questions. It is a perfect combination of both mathematics and probability, and a popular choice for students interested in applying their knowledge to real world situations.