What in Geometry is a Line? 

A line is a straight one-dimensional figure without a thickness and extends infinitely in both directions. The length of a line cannot be measured, but it is always known by the number of points that connect it to another point (called a segment). 

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A line has two endpoints, which are named and are shown in the diagram. To name a line, you use the letters of the two ends and a symbol that looks like a small line with arrows on it, as shown above in this diagram. 

There are many ways to identify a line in mathematics. The first is by naming it. 

The second is by describing it using a linear equation. The third is by defining the angle it forms. 

What in geometry is a point?

In geometry, a point is defined by a single location on the plane. A point is usually named using the letters of the location and a symbol that goes above the point to name it. 

A line can be described by an equation in which the independent variable is a function of its dependent variable. Typically, the x-intercept of the line is given by a slope or a gradient of the function y. In addition, the y-intercept is often represented by an imaginary line, and the slope can be determined from a graph of a function. 

What in geometry is a line segment? 

A segment is a part of a line that contains every point on the line between its two end points. The relationship between two end points can depend on the definition of a segment, but it is generally parallel or perpendicular to the line. The line segment is called a line segment when it is collinear or non-parallel to the line, and it is skew if the two end points are not. 

What in geometry is a ray? 

A ray is a part of a line that has an endpoint and a well-defined starting point. The endpoint is a point that can be named, and the beginning of the ray is a point on the line. The ray is named by the two points on the line, as shown above in this diagram. 

What in geometry is a number line?

A number line is a set of lines that form a graph, where each line represents a real number. A number line is often used to represent numbers in the plane because it is easy to see where one number ends and the next begins, especially if there are only two or three points on each line. 

What in geometry is a transversal line?

A transversal line is a line that passes through two or more parallel lines at a given point. The line must be on the same plane as the parallel lines, and it must form a 90deg angle at the point of intersection. 

A curved line is not a straight line, and it is not always considered a line by mathematicians. Some older math curriculum considers a curved line to be a line, but when graphing a linear function, the line is derived from the curve.