Precalculus Algebra

Precalculus algebra is a college-level course designed to prepare students for calculus. This course focuses on algebra, trigonometry, and math analysis. Students must take this course as a prerequisite to calculus. It requires a grade of “C” or higher. There are several precalculus courses available. These can be structured according to the student’s career goals. 

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Students typically begin taking precalculus in high school. A number of schools offer a diagnostic test to determine whether or not a student is ready for the subject. Some schools also offer different flavors of the course. In general, it can be a good idea for students to take an intermediate algebra course before they take precalculus. However, if a student has a lower math placement score, he or she may need to take an additional course before taking precalculus. 

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with mathematical modeling of curves, limits, and the integration of functions. It is an applied and computational science that uses special symbolic notation. Many colleges and universities have an emphasis on calculus as part of their degree programs. Other contexts include finance, medicine, and engineering. 

Students who do not get a sufficient math placement in high school should consider taking an intermediate algebra course before taking precalculus. Some schools have precalculus courses with a strong focus on trigonometry, while others may have a different flavor of the subject. The math department of a college should be able to help you determine what type of course to take. 

Trigonometry, which is the study of triangles, is often required before students can take precalculus. Most high schools offer a full course in trigonometry, so students are prepared to take the precalculus course. If a student has a lower math placement, he or she may wish to take an honors-level trigonometry course before taking precalculus. 

While precalculus is not the most rigorous course, it covers a lot of material. The course requires students to memorize a lot of information and to recall various math concepts. As a result, students have a steep learning curve. They may feel overwhelmed at first, but it is a lot easier to master the subject if they take their time and review the topics. 

Students taking regular precalculus courses are introduced to matrices, quadratic functions, and polynomials. Students are then introduced to the concepts of exponentiation and graphing functions. They are also introduced to inverse functions and to a variety of mathematical techniques. 

Students who are looking for an online precalculus course should look into Kahn Academy. This site offers actual lectures and videos. Another great resource is the Math Diagnostic Testing Project offered by the University of California, San Diego. You can use the web-based test to see if you are ready for precalculus. Web-based tests are not official. For official class placement, you should take a placement test. 

One common topic in precalculus is the binomial theorem. This is a problem that requires students to find the product and the quotient of two numbers. This is one of the most important concepts of math.