What’s College Statistics Math?

Every year, over two million undergraduate degrees are awarded to students across the United States. Many of these students are required to complete statistics courses to fulfill their degree requirements. 

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This is great news for students, as it means that they have an opportunity to learn important skills and gain invaluable insights into their future careers. However, it can also be a bit daunting as many students haven’t had any experience with this type of class before. 

There are some things that students can do to make sure they are ready for their first statistics course, and these tips may help them succeed in the classroom. 

1. Get Help Immediately

If you are struggling with any concepts in your statistics course, then don’t hesitate to get the help you need. Your professor will probably be happy to assist you in any way possible. You can ask them questions in the classroom, right after class or even go to their office hours for additional assistance if you need it. 

2. Practice Problems as Much As You Can

While it may seem counterintuitive, doing a lot of practice problems is an excellent way to become familiar with the types of statistics questions that can be asked on tests and quizzes. It also gives you the confidence that you have the knowledge necessary to answer these questions correctly. 

3. Practice with a Cheatsheet

One of the best ways to study for a statistics exam or quiz is to create a cheat sheet for yourself. This will allow you to quickly find the information you need for each question, making it easier for you to answer them quickly and accurately. 

4. Do Hand Calculations Often 

Another great way to learn statistics is by doing your own calculations by hand. This can be a lot of work at first, but it will give you a huge head start when it comes time to do the actual calculations in your statistics course. 

5. Don’t Limit Yourself to a Single Field 

The skills you acquire in mathematics and statistics can lead you in almost any career path, including medicine or law. At Wright State, you can develop your analytical and quantitative skills through a wide range of classes, internships, co-ops, job shadowing, research, and other hands-on learning experiences that will help you reach your full potential in any career. 

6. Become a Data Scientist

A degree in statistics prepares you to be a valuable member of the data science community, which is rapidly growing and becoming more relevant than ever. The interdisciplinary nature of statistics enables you to use your knowledge to solve real-world problems and create systems that will help people throughout the world. 

There are a variety of degrees available in this field, from Bachelor of Arts to Master of Science. At Smith, our statistics degree program is based on a collaborative learning model that connects faculty and students from across the college interested in learning things from data.