Prospective clients often ask if they can get references from former clients. This makes sense: Before purchasing other services (e.g. landscaper, barber, or web designer) you often want to get a “review” from someone who has used the same service.
But given the nature of this business, it would be ill-advised to freely share the identity of clients with anyone outside of the company. At Finish My Math Class, we value each and every client’s privacy too much to ask them to be references.
So how do we compensate for not giving references to prospective clients? We work hard with each client to ensure that mutual trust and respect are established. We charge competitive prices and have our grade guarantee. Ironically, by NOT giving references to prospective clients, we gain MORE credibility.
Anyway, if you’re still on the fence about whether to hire or to pay someone to take your online Math class, contact us and see if we’re a good fit. No matter what happens, we will NEVER divulge any information about you to third parties.