Finish My Math Class

Finish My Math Class ™ (FMMC) is an international team of professionals (most located in the USA and Canada) dedicated to discreetly helping students complete their Math classes with a high grade.

A few weeks ago I was reading a great business book. One passage from the book reminded me of the ethos and inspiration for Finish My Math Class. The passage says that to be effective in business, you must:

Identify a viable, preferably under-served market, determine market demand (what it wants most and will pay for), then align your purpose, and do something for the market that you can feel passionately about.

I absolutely love that quote! It captures much of what has helped this company stand over its competition in the relatively short amount of time it’s been in existence. Below I’m going to expound the individual points in the quote…

1. Identify a market (people who want to pay/hire someone to do their Math work

As I’ve said before I used to work as a tutor. I would advertise on craigslist and had some success in attracting new clients. But I noticed that often clients didn’t want me to teach them anthing; they want me to do their work for them! Me, being the opportunist that I am decided that I had stumbled upon a new and unusual market. And I decided to oblige them

The market I described as non-Mathy majors, most of whom are taking the typical required Math courses: Algebra & Statistics

Once I identified this market, I knew I was on my way to make a positive impact in the lives of many students.

2. Determine market demand (where are people looking for course completion experts)

Once I realized this market existed, the next step was to determine the demand. Throughout the Internet it’s easy to find people who are looking to hire someone to do their Math work. Even offline (i.e. in “real” life), I’ve been surprised at positively people have received this company and the work that I’ve been doing.

3.Align your purpose

I take this to mean that my efforts should be marshaled to meet the demands of the market that’s been identified. In the case of this company, this mean making clear who we wanted to serve: non-Mathy/non-STEM majors who are being forced to take Math courses that have little to do with their major.

4. Do something for the market that you can feel passionately about

At Finish My Math Class, we’re passionate about the work we’re doing. By ridding non-Mathy students of Math requirements that are silly, we are convinced that we’re making the lives of our clients MUCH better. The feedback (i.e. testimonials and reviews) that we get is proof of this.

By guaranteeing an overall grade of “A” or “B” we’re also holding ourselves accountable by ensuring our clients are protecting and well served.

If you’re interested in hiring a pro to take your Math class, please contact us anytime.

About the author : Finish My Math Class

Finish My Math Class ™ (FMMC) is an international team of professionals (most located in the USA and Canada) dedicated to discreetly helping students complete their Math classes with a high grade.