How Hard Is AP Calculus? 

Getting a pass grade on an AP Calculus test can be a feat of will. Luckily, there are ways to ensure you succeed. Whether you’re a high school student or a college student, the key is to plan ahead. A well-planned study regimen can make all the difference when it comes to passing the course. 

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In addition to studying, you should make time to review the basics of math. It’s important to understand how different numbers relate to one another. For example, you should be able to perform a graphical summation estimate, and you’ll want to master precalculus and slope. If you haven’t taken any of these courses in high school, it might be prudent to do so before taking the AP test. 

There’s a lot of math to be learned and you can get a lot out of it if you take the time to do it right. Taking a course at a college level will help you get a leg up in your career. Many careers are focused on math and science. However, you can also find careers requiring less math, such as physics and information technology. When you’re looking for an AP course, check with your prospective colleges. 

There are two AP Calculus tests to choose from: AB and BC. AB is the easier of the two. The AB test is a multiple-choice test with 45 questions. It covers trigonometric functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions. Most of the questions are relatively simple, but there are a few tricky ones. You will also have to use a graphing calculator to answer some of the questions. This is a good way to practice using a calculator, and will give you a sense of how the exam will feel. 

Although it’s not necessarily the most difficult of the AP exams, the AB test does require you to be a math whiz. To do well on the AB, you’ll need to have a solid understanding of algebra and trigonometry. You’ll also need to be able to use a graphing calculator to complete some of the tests’ harder questions. 

As with any AP course, you should do your homework. Taking an AP course will help you gain a head start in college. In addition, you’ll need to be prepared to take the AP test on your first try. Fortunately, you can re-register for the AP Calculus test next year. Be sure to talk to your instructor about what’s required of you to succeed in the AP class. 

One of the most important things to remember is that AP Calculus is a building course. That is, you’ll be spending a lot of time working on the math. Your time commitment will vary, but you’ll likely have to dedicate at least a few hours each day to completing the coursework. Generally, you’ll need to study the basics of math and do a lot of practice exercises before you can tackle a test. Getting a score on the AP test is just the beginning.