Although this business is called “Finish My Math Class,” the term “math” is a very general term that encompasses a dizzying array of subjects and topics. As you may have suspected, we do not complete classes for every single kind of Math under the sun. Instead, we focus on the Math that is compulsory for most high school and college students in the United States. So, overall, Finish My Math Class really specializes in completing specific, relatively popular classes. Those classes are:
- Algebra: Intermediate Algebra and College Algebra are the most popular Algebra courses that students hire us to complete for them. A couple of months ago we had a Pre-Algebra client in high school, but that we are not anticipating more clients in Pre-Algebra (we will gladly assist them though!). As this website and company grow in popularity, it will be interesting which other Algebra classes students will ask us to complete. It is worth noting that all of the Algebra classes we have completed for other students are what is known as “classic” Algebra classes. There are actually other kinds of Algebra, but we do not expect to be asked to take those courses for students anytime soon.
- Statistics: Intro to Stats and Elementary Statistics are the two main classes that I see students asking us about on a regular basis. In the future, we will write more about why students hate Statistics so much. We can totally relate to our clients’ pain with respect to this course. What is sad is that Statistics is one of the most fascinating and practical Math subjects around, but the way it is taught makes it so damn tedious.
- Calculus: Algebra is the most failed Math class, but Calculus seems to be feared even more. So far as we are concerned, Calculus 1 and Business Calculus are typically dreaded by our clients the most. It is worth mentioning, however, that our Calculus clients tend to be much more mathematically competent that our Algebra and Stats clients. For instance, we currently have a client whose homework we’re completing. But he says he wants to take the exams himself. Weird.
Did you notice anything about the Math course mentioned above?
What you might have noticed about these Math courses is that they are classes that are “required” to get any type of post-secondary credential. This indicates that people are, in the main, several times more likely to pay/hire someone to take their online Math class if it is one that they have to take against their will to make the requirements for a degree. To date, I’ve never had a client in a Math client more advanced than Calculus 1 (although we do have course completion experts who can handle the work). My hypothesis is that people who are taking such advanced classes have MUCH more incentive to master the material and thus will eventually be exposed if they do not understand the work.
There are plenty of other classes (e.g. Trigonometry, Geometry, and Math for Liberal Arts), but really those 3 courses are bread and butter of this business.
If you’re enrolled in Algebra, Statistics, or Calculus and want to hire someone to take your online class for you, please contact us today.