Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics is a discipline that aims to provide a framework for understanding the world around us by applying mathematical concepts. The field involves a wide range of subjects and applications, ranging from biology to finance. Applied mathematics also includes computational mathematics, which is the study of algorithms and computer programming. Mathematical models are widely used in fields such as image processing, robotics, natural science, economics, and engineering. Among the applications of applied mathematics are the development of mathematical models for weather forecasting, health care, and business and finance. 

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Applied mathematics is a great choice for students with interest in mathematics and a desire for a job in an industry. As an Applied Mathematics major, students can work with their professors to develop their own research and apply mathematics to a variety of areas. This flexibility allows students to pursue careers in a variety of different fields. An Applied Mathematics degree provides students with a strong foundation in the mathematical techniques and principles that will be essential for the success of their career. 

Applicants interested in a career in Applied Mathematics should consider a variety of factors, including the type of courses they wish to take. During their first three years in college, students will acquire a strong mathematical background. They will take Calculus and Linear Algebra. Students who want to pursue a career in Applied Mathematics may choose to concentrate in an area of mathematics that interests them, such as quantum mechanics, information theory, or topology. 

Applied Mathematics is a challenging and exciting field of study. A degree in Applied Mathematics is one of the best preparations for a successful career in a variety of industries and positions. Many of our graduates find jobs in industries such as electrical and mechanical engineering, manufacturing, and finance. Others continue their studies and pursue careers in academia, teaching, and government. Some of our graduates are employed as researchers, statisticians, computer programmers, and financial analysts. 

The undergraduate curriculum in Applied Mathematics emphasizes the use of computer programs and computational methods to solve problems. Students are also required to take three advanced mathematics courses in a specific area of concentration. Students are encouraged to learn a foreign language early. Besides a solid base in mathematics, students must possess critical thinking, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. Applied mathematicians often develop new methods that can be used in many fields. Applied mathematics is at the forefront of the AI-based tech revolution. Increasing numbers of employers are seeking applicants who are adept in numerical and problem-solving skills. 

Applied Mathematics offers students a variety of opportunities to gain hands-on experience. Faculty members in the Department of Applied Mathematics at North Central College are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive learning environment. During their studies, students in the program develop their own undergraduate research in higher mathematics. For those who choose to further their education, a number of post-doctoral associates and instructors are available. In addition to its close-knit academic community, the Department of Applied Mathematics maintains an active Visitor Program.