What Is Mathematics 2? 

Mathematics 2 is a course in high school math. It is a second year of a three-year sequence in which students learn the basics of algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. The course focuses on congruence, independence, and square root functions. Students also explore the properties of triangles and rigid motions. 

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In order to be successful in the course, students will need to use mathematical software and other resources to develop their mathematical knowledge. They will have to make conjectures and justify their conclusions. By the end of the course, students should be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to real-world problems. 

Students may take a combination of both high school and college level mathematics courses. For example, some schools teach a pre-algebra course instead of algebra 2. Others offer a course in trigonometry along with geometry. This helps to build a foundation for advanced mathematics. 

High school students in the United States typically take two years of Algebra, one year of Geometry, and one year of Algebra 2. This three-year course sequence has traditionally been taught in the U.S. and is now reimagined as Math 1, Math 2, and Math 3. Although it is not mandatory for students to complete a three-year mathematics program, many districts are encouraged to do so. 

The mathematics course is an important precursor to the study of algebra and calculus. It is designed to develop students’ symbolic fluency and computational acuity, as well as a deeper understanding of conditional probability. Some students take a pre-algebra course before taking algebra, but most school districts follow a similar course sequence. 

Typical topics of interest for students in a mathematics class include the study of functions, operations on functions, and graphing techniques. Other topics include the theory of transformations, and applications of systems of equations and inequalities. 

Statistics is another topic of interest. The analysis of data might include descriptive statistics, correlation, confidence intervals, and regression. There are also applications to differential equations. 

Integrated mathematics is a curriculum designed to reimagine the traditional high school math course sequence as Math 1, Math 2, and Math 3. These courses are taught together using modeling, conjectures, and pattern recognition. Each course emphasizes a different concept. As a result, students gain symbolic fluency, computational acuity, and the ability to analyze real-world data. 

In addition to reimagining the course, Integrated 2 teaches students about growth mindset and the collaborative nature of the math learning process. They are expected to interact with other students and their teachers to develop a deeper understanding of concepts and apply those skills to real-world situations. Through these activities, students are introduced to the connections between secondary and college mathematics. 

This course is offered as part of the UTeach curriculum. Students who have a C or better in MATH 2425 and SCIE 1201 are eligible to take the course. A calculator is required for the course. 

In addition to the common algebraic, geometric, and statistical thinking that are embedded throughout all three courses, students will learn to connect the dots and demonstrate the power of mathematical models to guide their understanding of the world. These models might be used to explain the relationship between two variables, predict how a system of equations will change, or explain the origins of a system of numbers.