What is Sacred Geometry? 

Sacred geometry is a set of symbols used in a wide range of spiritual practices. This type of geometry uses mathematical patterns and ratios to express the universal divine. These geometric patterns are also often used in art and architecture. The use of Sacred Geometry is found all over the world. It has also been incorporated into astrology and alchemy. 

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One of the most well known examples of sacred geometry is the Flower of Life. This symbol is considered to be a representation of creation, the process of spiritual awakening, and unity. A number of interlacing circles are formed in the Flower of Life, creating a unique pattern. They are typically used in meditation, and can be found at various spiritual sites around the world. Other examples of Sacred Geometry include a pyramid, a labyrinth, a grid of life, a pentagram, and a tree of life. Each shape has its own meaning and can be used to enhance the quality of your life. 

When viewed from the macro level of the universe, the Tree of Life is a representation of the relationships between the Source and humankind. It is said to be a map of the sacred path, and is often used to symbolize fertility, strength, and growth. Symbols of the Tree of Life can be found in many ancient cultures and religions, such as Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, and Buddhist. There are even simplified versions of the Platonic Solids, which are believed to be the building blocks of the universe. 

Circles are another common symbol of sacred geometry. The circle represents unity, rebirth, and a never-ending cycle of life. In a sense, it is a universal symbol that represents all life. During a meditative or prayer session, it can be used as a focal point to guide the mind to the source of energy. 

Spirals are a form of sacred geometry that represents the energy flow through the chakras. Many of these shapes are commonly found in the natural world. Another popular example is the spiral of the snail shell. Both of these structures have been proven to provide health benefits, such as helping you to stretch your muscles. Those who practice yoga utilize the natural shape of the geometric shapes to help them balance their physical and spiritual bodies. 

Among the most common patterns in Sacred Geometry are the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio. Having an understanding of the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci sequence can help you better connect with the universe and your own spirit. Ultimately, the underlying principle of Sacred Geometry is to align your mind and body with the universe. Practicing meditation and yoga can bring you closer to this goal. 

Symbols of Sacred Geometry can be found in many different parts of the world, including China, India, and Egypt. They are also seen in architecture, music, and art. Whether you choose to meditate, meditate on music, or create an art piece, it is important to understand the basic principles behind Sacred Geometry.