What is the cost of using Delta Math?  

Delta Math is a popular instructional tool that is widely used in classrooms across the country. One question that many educators and parents may have is: what is the cost of using Delta Math? In this article, we will explore the pricing structure of Delta Math and what it means for teachers and schools. 

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First of all, it is important to note that Delta Math is free to use for both teachers and students. There is no cost to create an account, and teachers can create and assign unlimited practice sets and assessments to their students. This makes Delta Math an affordable and accessible tool for teachers who are looking to supplement their math instruction with technology. 

However, it is worth noting that there are some premium features available on Delta Math that do come at a cost. These features are designed to provide additional functionality and customization options for teachers, and include the following: 

Delta Math Plus: This premium service provides access to additional practice sets, pre-made assessments, and enhanced data analytics tools. The cost of Delta Math Plus is $9.99 per month, per teacher. 

Classroom Premium: This feature allows teachers to create custom assignments for their classes, and provides additional reporting tools to help teachers monitor student progress. The cost of Classroom Premium is $19.99 per month, per teacher. 

Site License: This option provides access to Delta Math Plus and Classroom Premium for all teachers at a school or district. The cost of a site license varies based on the number of students and teachers who will be using Delta Math. 

It is important to note that these premium features are not required to use Delta Math effectively. Teachers can still create and assign practice sets and assessments, and access basic data analytics tools for free. However, for teachers who are looking for additional functionality and customization options, these premium features may be worth considering. 

In conclusion, Delta Math is a free tool that is accessible to all teachers and students. While there are some premium features available that come at a cost, these features are not required to use Delta Math effectively. By offering a free tool with optional premium features, Delta Math is able to provide a valuable service to educators without putting a financial burden on schools or districts.