What is the Definition of Algebra?
Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with the rules and laws governing the operations and relations of numbers. It is one of the oldest branches of mathematics that deals with number theory, geometry, and analysis.
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The word “algebra” comes from the Arabic words al-jabr (reunion of broken parts) and wa – i muquabala (balancing). It refers to the study of the rules that govern the manipulation of numbers. The Persian mathematician and astronomer al-Khwarizmi gave the word algebra its name in the 16th century when he wrote ilm al-jabr wa – I muquabala about the methods for solving equations of different kinds.
Unlike elementary algebra which works with numbers, abstract or modern algebra is a generalization of the algebraic theory that treats classes of algebra that have certain properties in common and which are expressible as equations. It includes the groups, rings, and fields; invariant theory, cohomology, and set theory; and some other areas, all of which are distinct from classical algebra.
What is the definition of abstract algebra?
Abstract algebra is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the more general concepts of sets, commutative and noncommutative varieties, and finite and infinite groups. It also extends the familiar concepts of elementary algebra and arithmetic to more general concepts such as quotients, direct products, and subalgebras.
Groups and Varieties
The concept of a group is an arbitrary set that has a binary operation and a unary inverse. A group is called abelian if both its elements and the corresponding inverses satisfy the same algebraic equations.
A variety is a class of models of some equational theory that has certain properties in common and is characterized by a homomorphism h: X-Y satisfying h(fi(x0,….), gi(h(x0),….)).
These algebraic functions are used to solve problems and find solutions in various topics of science. They are useful in the process of mathematical modeling and can help in analyzing data as well as developing critical thinking skills.
Moreover, abstract algebra helps in discovering some truths related to algebraic systems which are independent of the specific nature of some operations. The most basic and important of these truths is that the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are commutative in rings and fields.
Universal Algebra:
The basic level of algebra involves a few basic arithmetic operations and formulas to solve simple equations. It is also used to solve complex equations and trigonometry problems.
In addition, the concepts of exponents, logarithms, and squares are also taught in the course of algebra. These facts are very important for the students as it makes them ready for more complex mathematical problems.
The higher level of algebra includes all the mathematical forms involving trigonometry, calculus, and coordinate geometry. It also includes the basic arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division within algebraic expressions. It is also a good tool to understand and use in daily life. It can be used to figure out the distance and volume of a container or sales prices as and when required.