What Kind of Math is Precalculus? 

Precalculus is a mathematics course that focuses on preparing students for calculus. It can be taken during high school or at college. The course teaches students algebra, trigonometry, and graphing. These topics are important to the success of students taking calculus. 

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Before precalculus, students will usually have only been exposed to a few basic concepts in geometry. Students will learn about algebraic expressions, rational functions, and trigonometric identities. They will also be introduced to the concept of complex numbers. Complex numbers contain an imaginary part and a real part. When the real and imaginary parts are joined using algebraic operations, the resulting number is called a polynomial. 

In addition to the polynomial function, a precalculus course will usually cover exponential and logarithmic functions. A course that focuses on these types of functions will also introduce students to polar coordinates. Trigonometry is another popular topic. However, it is not the primary focus of a precalculus course. 

As a prerequisite to a precalculus course, most high schools require students to take a trigonometry course. If a student has a lower math placement score, he or she may want to take an intermediate algebra course instead. 

Many students skip the formal precalculus course. This is often because they feel that the material is too difficult. Fortunately, there are many online resources available for self-preparation. Some schools even offer diagnostic tests that help students determine if they are ready for the precalculus course. 

Calculus is an advanced math course that develops tools for solving problems related to geometric and continuous change. It is also used in the fields of medicine and engineering. There are several different flavors of calculus, and students can choose a course that reflects their specific career goals. For example, some schools may emphasize trigonometry while others may concentrate on linear algebra or calculus for engineers. 

Although the name of the course varies from one school to the next, most high school courses include a combination of trigonometry and algebra. A precalculus course will often cover these two subjects as a refresher. Since there is a lot of repetition involved in these courses, it is essential that students know what they are doing. AP programs are designed to encourage students to explore the world around them by exploring mathematical issues in the context of real-world situations. 

To prepare for AP Calculus, students should make sure they have a strong understanding of math and trigonometry. They should also be comfortable with the concepts of algebraic expressions and the ability to modify and transform expressions. Other common topics in a precalculus course include the binomial theorem and the conic sections. 

Several online universities offer precalculus courses. One of the best options is Kahn Academy. Kahn offers an online course that covers precalculus, trigonometry, and algebra. You can watch videos of actual lectures and get feedback on your answers. Another option is UC San Diego’s Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project. Web-based tests do not count towards an official class placement.