What mathematical training is necessary to be a statistician?

Statistics is a field that deals with raw data and uses math to process it, build models, infer or predict results. It is an important tool for Data Scientists who are looking to make meaningful insights out of large amounts of data. 

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The field of statistics has many applications in a variety of industries such as the Stock Market, life sciences, weather, retail, insurance and education. It is also a great way to learn about the world around us and understand how to take careful data-driven decisions. 

Mathematics and statistics are taught in many different ways at higher education levels. The traditional way to study them is as a major or as a minor, and a double-major in mathematics and statistics is not uncommon. At the graduate level, the curriculum gets more specialized with degrees such as Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Biostatistics and Mathematical Engineering. 

Getting started in mathematics.

A basic understanding of algebra, calculus and elementary statistics is essential for students interested in pursuing a career in the field of statistics. The Mathematical Association of America publishes a series of books geared toward introducing students to the various aspects of mathematics and how it can be used in statistics. 

There are also a number of online resources to help students get a better understanding of the discipline, including: 

STATtr@k is a website run by the American Statistical Association that has information about careers in statistics and about statistics in the workplace. The site also contains a statistical literacy project. 

This Is Statistics is a project that is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the basics of statistics and to encourage them to become more knowledgeable about this subject. The site is part of Sense About Science USA, an organization dedicated to promoting the study and understanding of science. 

Undergraduate Team Leaders guide small groups of students in weekly workshops that focus on the analysis of problem sets to augment and complement the course material. These workshops help students develop communication skills, cooperative attitudes and promote a teamwork environment. 

The goal of these workshops is to prepare students for a successful career in statistics, as well as for future academic studies in mathematics and other disciplines that use math and statistics. 

BS/MS in statistics:

The BS in Statistics offers rigorous training in the fundamentals and applications of statistical theory and methods, as well as a choice of specializations. It is a good choice for students who are interested in pursuing a career as a statistician, an actuary, a research analyst or as a mathematician in the computer sciences, engineering, physics, biology and other areas. 

Electives are available in a wide range of topics, from biostatistics and population health to finance and economics. The courses that count toward the degree must be approved by the Departmental Adviser for Majors and may only include University of Chicago courses bearing a Department of Statistics course number. 

In conclusion, to become a statistician, a solid foundation in mathematics is necessary. This includes a basic understanding of algebra, calculus, and elementary statistics. Higher education provides various paths to study mathematics and statistics, such as majoring or minoring in these fields or pursuing specialized degrees at the graduate level. Online resources and organizations like STATtr@k and This Is Statistics offer additional support and information for students interested in statistics. Workshops and collaborative learning environments further enhance students’ skills and prepare them for successful careers in statistics. A BS in Statistics offers comprehensive training in statistical theory and methods, with opportunities for specialization in various domains. Electives in related fields further expand students’ knowledge and versatility. By acquiring the necessary mathematical training, individuals can embark on a rewarding career as a statistician, applying their skills to solve real-world problems and make data-driven decisions.