Where Did Algebra Come From? 

There is no question that algebra has been an important part of the development of math for centuries, and has had a huge impact on science. In fact, most experienced mathematicians claim that without algebra none of the amazing scientific achievements we take for granted would be possible. Nevertheless, many people do not know where did algebra come from, or who invented the concepts and equations that make up this essential mathematical subject. 

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The ancient Greeks were among the first to use algebra, as evidenced by Euclid’s Elements book. They also used it to solve linear equations and applied geometry. 

They also developed flexible algebraic operations that eliminated fractions and factors by adding equals to equals and multiplying like quantities on both sides of the equation. 

Their work was largely based on the Pythagorean triplets, a formula that allows for the elimination of fractions and factors with simple addition and multiplication. 

These early Egyptians, who were based in Egypt during the 3rd century BC, were also among the first to apply algebra to solving problems related to geometry. They developed a system of symbols that would become the basis for a variety of important mathematical terms, including square, circle and area. 

Another important development in the history of algebra came from the work of Greek mathematician Diophantus, who wrote a large number of books about the subject, some of which have survived. His work can be considered to have made algebra more than just a method of constructing numbers, and it greatly influenced the development of math throughout Europe. 

He is also credited with the invention of x, which became the most common variable name in mathematics. He introduced this symbol in his treatise La Geometrie, published in 1637. 

In addition, the Greek mathematician Gottfried Leibniz was responsible for the discovery of the concept of functions. This was a big development for algebra, because it allowed mathematicians to write functions that described physical processes in the real world. 

In the 19th century, a new interest in algebra emerged. It was a type of mathematics that could be called abstract algebra, because it dealt with non-numerical structures that had properties similar to those of real and complex numbers. This was a branch of mathematics that grew gradually and naturally out of a growing interest in the study of arbitrary structures that could be represented using mathematics.