History of Mathematics 

History of mathematics is the investigation of the origins of mathematical techniques, methods, and discoveries in the past. Various areas of mathematics began with real-world problems and methods and developed into abstract structures. Symbolic notation, numerical notation, and functional analysis are some examples of the various forms of mathematical notation. 

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The Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians used geometrical and arithmetic concepts, as well as algebra. These concepts are still in use today. They were not defined as abstract structures, however. Some symbols, such as the Greek letter o, are still in use for ordinals. In 1622, John Napier invented logarithms. Logarithms are based on logarithmic scales, and are used to calculate multiplication and division. 

Leonhard Euler was an influential figure in the development of modern mathematics. He made significant contributions to graph theory, number theory, and physics. His work was also highly influential on astronomy. 

The Ancient Greeks introduced the study of geometry and numbers in the 6th century BC. These systems were influenced by the Egyptians and the Phoenicians. Both cultures used symbolic notation, and tally marks were likely notches cut into stone or wood. Later Egyptians adopted hieratic script, which was more cursive than symbolic. As early as 1595, Bartholomew Pitiscus wrote Trigonometria. This text is a source of many of the arithmetic concepts of the 18th century. 

Leonard Euler’s eyesight deteriorated as he grew older. By 1740, his eyesight was almost totally blind in his right eye. Although he was a prominent mathematician, he continued to make groundbreaking contributions to mathematics. One of his most famous contributions was the Euler-Maclaurin formula, which enabled mathematicians to solve difficult problems. It was later applied to infinitesimal calculus, which revolutionized the field. 

The Scottish Book is a notebook containing foundational works in several areas of mathematics. It was published in 1958 and presented at the International Mathematical Congress in Edinburgh. There were 300 copies sent to mathematicians in the world. Many scholars sought a copy. But they were not all successful. Several were destroyed by the Germans in 1941. 

In addition to the notebook, the Lwow School of Mathematics had left behind a large number of problems. The problems were solved and discussed in the Scottish cafe, which was frequented by students and professors. A prize would be awarded for correct answers, usually in the form of caviar or a kilogram of bacon. Sometimes a fondue a la creme was served. 

Otto Nikodym was a graduate of the University of Lwow. He and Banach talked about mathematics during a lunch break. Their conversation is commemorated in the Planty Park in Krakow. After two years of studying at Lwow Polytechnic, Banach became a railway employee. During this time, his wife bought him a marble-like notebook. She subsequently left the book in a cafe in Lwow. 

The ODP were considered the greatest mathematicians of the 18th century. They traveled the Mediterranean extensively, and their father encouraged commerce. Though their eyesight was not perfect, they were able to complete a great deal of their research. Their writings and research have been widely studied in mathematics. Among other things, they introduced Hindu-Arabic numbers to the “Roman” world.