Finish My Math Class

Finish My Math Class ™ (FMMC) is an international team of professionals (most located in the USA and Canada) dedicated to discreetly helping students complete their Math classes with a high grade.


Recently, I had a client who wanted us to finish her online Calculus course. She was in the second week of the class and she was already struggling pretty badly. She was struggling so badly, in fact, that she wondered why she was placed in that class in the first place (that’s another story for another post). She had failed the first quiz and stumbled through the first couple of homework assignments.

So she reached out to FMMC and we came to the rescue! I contacted one of our Calculus experts to finish this client’s work. This Calculus expert is brilliant: he’s got a degree in Physics and he currently works as an engineer. The very first assignment he completed for this Calculus client was a quiz, which he finished in about 10 minutes and got a 95%!

The day after that quiz was completed, I received an email from the client. In the email she asked me if we could work more slowly. She didn’t want her prof to get suspicious about the sudden improvements in her speed and proficiency with her work.

Of course we obliged. I told my Calculus pro to work more slowly and he did. He said that he made a “game” of this client’s work: he would start a video game, play for a few minutes, and then do a few Calculus problems. Then he would resume playing his video game for a few more minutes before returning to do some more Calculus work. He continued this pattern until each assignment was finished, effectively doubling the time spent on the work. He continued working for this client in the same manner until the end of the course. The client was delighted at the newer, slower pace at which her work was submitted.

What’s the point/lesson of this story? This is another example of how we’re flexible when it comes our clients’ work. We can work fast, we can work slow. It makes no difference if we believe it’s for the good of a client.

If you want your online Math class to be completed (at any kind of speed), please contact us today.

About the author : Finish My Math Class

Finish My Math Class ™ (FMMC) is an international team of professionals (most located in the USA and Canada) dedicated to discreetly helping students complete their Math classes with a high grade.