“Can you send me some reviews or references?”
Frequently, prospective clients ask me that question.
My answer (for about 1 year) was “I value my clients’ privacy & identity too much to give you their contact info.” Then I finally decided to ask my best clients to write brief (1-2 paragraph) testimonials. This is has proven to be a fantastic idea so far.
But in this business, there are no credible ways (as of yet) to tell whether a review is indeed a “Verified Purchase.” This post, however, is intended to make it easier for you to spot obvious bullshitters.
How to tell if a testimonial is real
This may come as a surprise to you, but there are TONS of fabricated testimonials in the world.
Lots of other course completions companies have so-called “testimonials” from “clients.” But those testimonials always struck me as phony.
What testimonials should signal is that a company works with real people and makes an effort to build enough rapport with their clients that they write something about their experience. We do NOT want to signal artificial rapport.
Ultimately, however, your best bet is to talk to people at the company and look for other “scammy” signs. Or, better yet, if you personally know someone who used the service, ask them about their experience.
Indeed, the best testimonials are those that come from someone you know who’s used the service.
So now, you, the reader must take me at my word. Pay attention to the phrasing of our testimonials. I am (so far as I know) the first and ONLY person to point out this obvious fact that most “reviews” of course completion services are bogus. It is imperative for me to signal the seriousness of what I’m doing because this industry is so rife with frauds. I think that alone is a reason to be more inclined to believe what’s been posted on this site.
Why do I think most “testimonials” and “reviews” are BS?
If you hired someone to take your Math class, why the heck would you allow them to post:
1. Your real name
2. Your real photo
3. The name of your college
Probably not. People who hire pros to do their schoolwork want to remain as anonymous as possible.
If you paid someone to take a class on your behalf, you’d be pretty much snitching on yourself, making it embarrassingly easy for your school to punish you. Dude(s), you’re exposing way too much of yourself!
These companies providing these nonsensical testimonials must really think their clients and customers are THAT dumb.
I make it a point to email specific clients who I’ve developed some rapport with.
I am adamant about protecting their identity. So I do not use their names, photos, or mention the school they attend.
Anyway, if you want to read our testimonials, visit the page here.
And if you like what you see on that page, please contact us to do your Math work.